About Us
The total geographical area of village is 793.54 hectares. Pale has a total population of 1,157 peoples. There are about 251 houses in Pale village. As per 2019 stats, Pale villages comes under Priol assembly & North Goa parliamentary constituency. Satari is nearest town to Pale.
Birth Information
Death Information
Sarpanch Message
It gives me immense pleasure to be a part of the launch of the Pale Cotombi Village Panchayat website, which was envisioned and created in the past few months by a dedicated team of volunteers. This is a very important step towards transparency, good governance and public participation, some of our most important goals.
I hope that this website will grow in content and utilization and help the residents of our village to access information, communicate and participate in the governance of our precious village. With best wishes to the team developing and managing the website and conviction that we will fulfil the dream of the Father of our Nation and become an exemplary self-governing, self-reliant, equitable village republic in the near future.
Shivdas Pandurang Mulgaonkar