Income Certificate
A person desiring to get an Income Certificate should apply to Sarpanch/Secretary along with an affidavit sworn before a Magistrate/Notary, xerox copy of Ration Card and other relevant income documents. After verifying the documents and conducting a local inquiry in to the facts and merits of the case, the Village Panchayat Secretary shall issue the Income Certificate, duly attested by the Sarpanch and countersigned by the concerned Block Development Officer.
Required Documents
- Upload Application
- Ward Member signature on the application.
- ID proof (House Tax Receipt / Ration Card / Epic Card / Adhar Card)
- Marriage Certificate (incase of married woman). [Self attested]
- Any other document concerning the purpose of the certificate
- Samaj Certificate (If applied for Caste Certificate from Dy. Collector).
- Self Declaration stating the no. of family members, part no. sr. no
- Download The application form.
- Fill in the application form.
- Attach relevant documents.
- Submit the application and note the acknowledgement no. for status tracking.
Birth/Death Certificate
The Village Panchayat Secretary also functions as Registrar of Births and Deaths under the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969. The first Birth or Death registration certificates are issued by the Secretary immediately after the registration has taken place. An abstract of Births and Deaths Registrars is also available at the office of the V.P. Secretary which may be obtained from him on payment of prescribed fees.
Required Documents
- Application from the applicant with details of Birth / Death
- Birth Certificate.[Self attested]
- Download The application form
- Fill in the application form.
- Submit the application and note the acknowledgement no. for application tracking.
- Application form is exclusively for registrations prior to year 1970.
Occupancy Certificate
As soon as the building is ready for occupation, the licensee should obtain first, the certificate from the Project Engineer that the building is complete in all respects in accordance with the approved plans and that the said building is ready for occupation. The licensee, thereafter, shall approach the Panchayat for grant of occupancy certificate which will be referred by the village panchayat to the Technical Officer for his opinion. A copy of the file shall also be forwarded to the Town and Country Planning Department for their approval. Once the Technical Officer and the Town Planner grants clearance for issue of occupancy certificate, the case shall be referred to the Block Development Officer for payment of the infrastructure tax if the built up area exceeds 100 sq. mts. The rate of tax is presently charged @ Rs. 40/- per sq. m. on the floor area as per the rates notified under the provisions of Goa Tax on Infrastructure Act, 1997. After payment of the infrastructure tax, the Panchayat Secretary shall issue the Occupancy Certificate pursuant to the resolution of the Panchayat. Exemptions: Buildings constructed for educational institutions, industrial enterprises or by any other non-profitable organizations as may be notified by the Government in public interest are exempted from payment of Infrastructure Tax..
Required Documents
- Application for Occupancy Certificate as per Appendix – A6
- Completion Certificate Issued by Architect / Engineer as per Appendix-B6 (Original Copy
- Completion Order Issued by TCP Dept. as per Appendix-C6 (Original Copy)
- Copy of the Construction License
- Structural Stability Certificate (as per Appendix-B5) along with a full set of “as built” structural Drawings for records (Original Copy)
- Copy of the Conversion Sanad
- NOC obtained from the Health Authorities
- Area Statement
- Placed for the Panchayat meeting
- Site inspection conducted, if decided by the Panchayat.
- Clearance from Site Inspection Team (V.P. Secretary, Sarpanch, and V.P. member)
- or placed before Panchayat Meeting for Special Clearance or Approval
- Order is issued
- Download The application form
- Fill in the application form.
- Attach relevant documents.
- Submit the application and note the acknowledgement no. for status tracking.
No Dues Certificate
No dues certificate can be availed from the Secretary of the Panchayat who issues the same after verifying all records in respect of payment of taxes and fees due to the Panchayat.
Required Documents
- Upload Application
- House Tax paid receipt
- Download The application form
- Fill in the application form.
- Attach relevant documents.
- Submit the application and note the acknowledgement no. for status tracking.
Non Availability of Birth or Death Certificate
Upon request from any person, a search is made into the records of Birth or Death Registers for the period of years as requested, to check whether a birth or death is registered or not. In cases where no record is available the Panchayat Secretary issues a Non- Availability Certificate of his search over such a period. The applicant in his application is required to submit the details like name for which the search is called for and the approximate period during which the birth, death or still birth has occurred. The applicant is also required to submit details about the place of birth by submitting documents like xerox copy of ration card, School Leaving Certificate, Polio Card, etc. At the request of the party, the Sarpanch may on the basis of local inquiry issue the following Certificates:
Required Documents
- Download The application form
- Fill in the application form.
- Attach relevant documents.
- Submit the application and note the acknowledgement no. for status tracking.
Character Certificate
A person desiring to obtain a Character Certificate should apply to Sarpanch along with xerox copies of Ration Card and other relevant documents like Birth Certificate, documents showing place of birth, school leaving certificate, Bonafide Certificate from the school, etc. After verifying the details and conducting a local inquiry in to the facts and merits of the case, the Sarpanch issues the Character Certificate.
Required Documents
- Application from the applicant mentioning the details of the purpose for which it is required and where to be produced.
- Download The application form
- Fill in the application form.
- Attach relevant documents.
- Submit the application and note the acknowledgement no. for status tracking.
Residence Certificate
A person desiring to obtain a Residence Certificate should apply to Sarpanch along with xerox copies of the Ration Card and other relevant documents like Birth Certificate, documents showing place of birth, EPIC Card, etc. After verifying the details and conducting a local inquiry in to the facts and merits of the case, the Sarpanch issues the Residence Certificate.
Required Documents
- Birth Certificate.[Self attested]
- Residence Certificate
- School Leaving Certificate. [Self attested]
- Marriage Certificate (incase of married woman). [Self attested]
- LPG connection (incase of rented premises). [Self attested]
- Self Declaration stating the no. of family members, part no. sr. no
- Download The application form
- Fill in the application form.
- Attach relevant documents.
- Submit the application and note the acknowledgement no. for status tracking.
Dependency Certificate
A person desiring to obtain a Dependency Certificate should apply to Sarpanch along with Xerox copy of ration Card and complete information about the family. After verifying the details and conducting a local inquiry into the facts and merits of the case, the Sarpanch issues the Dependency certificate.
Required Documents
- Application from the applicant mentioning the name of the dependent and the department where the Certificate is to be produced
- ID proof (House Tax Receipt / Ration Card / Epic Card / Aadhar Card)
- Ward Member signature on the application.
- Download The application form
- Fill in the application form.
- Attach relevant documents.
- Submit the application and note the acknowledgement no. for status tracking.